The PALS are a dedicated, Irish based, grassroot organisation passionate about raising awareness and advocating for Palestine through our compelling and thought-provoking content and activism.
Where do we march from?

Protests/ Marches
We march against genocide. Join us from Hugh Lane Gallery during the IPSC national Marches in Dublin.
We hit the streets once again yesterday for the National Demo
We especially wanted to highlight the Silence and Complicity of our own media.
We wore PRESS vests and carried posters of the 🇵🇸 journalists who continue to risk their lives to share the truth - @wizard_bisan1 @hindkhoudary @hossam_shbat @anasjamal44 and so many more ❤️
Keep amplifying their voices ✊🏻

Triple Lock
Activism against the removal our triple lock and a threat to our neutrality in Ireland.

Events and Fundraisers
Sing in Solidarity by Sieve from Pals. Thank you each and every one of you for joining us for ‘Sing in Solidarity.’ ❤️🖤🤍💚
Together we raised €600, which will go to Tea Collective’s essential work with families in 🇵🇸
Now take it away…
❤️ We Shall Overcome ❤️
We shall overcome, we shall overcome
We shall overcome someday
Deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome someday
Sawfa nantaseer, sawfa nantaseer
Sawfa nantaseer, yaw meyn, min alayaam
Joowa qalbee, aindee imaan
Sawfa nantaseer yaw meyn
Seasfaimid an fód, seasfaimid an fód
Seasfaimid an fód go brách
I mo chroí istigh, creidim go smior
Seasfaimid an fód go brách
We shall all be free, we shall all be free
We shall all be free someday
Deep in my heart, I do believe
We shall overcome someday
We shall overcome someday
#singinsolidarity #singing #community #saoirsedonphalaistín
Frequently Asked Questions
“Working with Pals for Palestine Ireland has been a game-changer for our organization. Their activism and solidarity truly captures the essence of our cause and resonates with our audience.”
Ciara Cronin - TEA Collective
Contact us
Get in touch today to join our community or to Collaborate with our page.
Location of Meetup for Marches
Pals for Palestine Ireland
Hugh Lane Gallery
Dublin, Ireland